Friday, January 8, 2010

Welcome to Life and Finances!

In my college days, I used to define my life by “stuff”. I dreamed about what I would accumulate when I had “a real job”- nice house, horses, a BMW, jewelry, designer clothes. Fast forward a few years and I realized that “stuff” didn’t mean all that much to me and my financial freedom is far more important. I work too dang hard to let my money slip through my fingers! And I had wayyyy too much crap!

You see, I was that girl that had closets full of stuff and a zero balance in the savings account. And that is after considering that I make a healthy salary each year. What a rude awakening! An even ruder (is that a word?) awakening is that I was cleaning out my closet twice a year and giving my “stuff” to Goodwill! Wow. Seriously? So…I realized it was time to put on my big kid clothes and make some changes……

When you focus on what you have instead of what you don’t, life becomes much more exciting. I have many blessings in my life: a family that loves me, a fabulous fiancé, great friends, the best dog ever and a “secure” well paying job.
Don’t get me wrong, I am a female and like most women I still enjoy stuff: quality clothes, fun shoes, good food, and trips with friends. However, now I am smarter (at least I try) in making those kinds of purchases and I’ve realized I can afford most things I want if I plan for them in my budget. I have also learned the financial planning and frugality are not synonymous with depriving oneself or going without. Rather, I can lead a more fulfilling, stress-free, meaningful life by being honest with myself financially, living within my means and spending my money on things that truly matter to me.

I am using this blog as an outlet to post topics that are meaningful to other young professionals or anyone else who is also digging themselves out of debt to help secure a better future. We deserve better than to owe thousands of dollars to other companies (credit cards, student loans, etc) while we never pay ourselves. Join me in my journey to pay off ~$40,000 in student loan and car debt. Join me as I discuss ways that I have used to save money and live a great life on the cheap. Join me as I discuss life, weddings, careers, etc. Thanks for being here, let the journey begin!

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